A credit card is a card to which your bank transfers a certain amount of money, called a credit limit. The amount of money depends on your credit history and the amount of total income, which in some cases, at the request of the bank, must be documented. This amount of funds on the card can later be used at your personal discretion, both in the form of cash and as payment for goods at retail outlets and services at terminals. You can get this type of card at any bank or order it online. It is issued without collateral and guarantors.
A credit card is a simple and convenient solution to the problem of a temporary shortage of funds
The difference between credit and debit cards
Now let’s talk about the difference between credit and debit cards. Quite often these cards are confused today, although these are completely different payment instruments. It is very easy to understand how they differ from them: YOUR money is stored on debit cards, and the BANK’s money is stored on credit ones.