A credit card is a bank payment card that is designed to pay for purchases, including via the Internet, as well as other transactions such as cash withdrawals, transfers, and so on, exclusively at the expense of borrowed funds.
The key feature of a credit card is that the bank provides a credit limit
A debit card is a bank payment card used to pay for goods and services, as well as withdraw cash from ATMs. Money for such a card is usually contributed (transferred) by the client or his employer. Such a card allows you to manage funds only within the available balance on your account.
The key feature of a debit card is that the bank allows you to manage funds only within the limits of your available balance
Credit/debit cards withdrawal casino
Want to find a credit/debit cards withdrawal casino? Check out our list of the best online casinos that accept cards. GambleFAQ only deals with licensed casinos that can offer an enjoyable experience!