Elements of games with a large fan base always get specific names that often completely replace the default ones. The same goes for casino games.
For example, most poker hands are known in the gambling world by their specific and often colorful names. You may see it as a pair of 6, but for an experienced player it could be “kicks” or even “Route 66”. And what is “Ace Magnets”, what do you think? What comes to your mind when we say “Space Cowboy”? There are hundreds and hundreds of nicknames for poker hands.
Want to deepen your poker knowledge? Then it will be useful for you to know the popular nicknames for your poker hands. We will not list all existing nicknames because it is simply impossible. Moreover, different types of poker and online poker may use different nicknames. But we will shed some light on some of the most famous poker hand nicknames today.

Popular poker hand nicknames
Perhaps let’s start with poker pairs. Before starting, let’s say that a poker pair is essentially any combination consisting of 2 cards of the same value – from 2 queens (QQ) to 2 aces (AA).
So, what are the most popular nicknames for pocket pairs in poker among players? Here are some.
Pocket Aces
- “Pocket Rockets” – a pair of aces is called “pocket aces” and one of the most famous nicknames for “pocket aces” is “Pocket Rockets”. Where did this nickname come from? Because the letter “A” reminds players of a rocket.
- “Snake Eyes” – this unusual nickname was taken from the dice game. In craps, “Snake Eyes” means pair of ones.
- “Batteries” – this nickname came about because the “AA” symbol can be found on batteries of a certain diameter and length.
Pocket Queens
- “Ladies” – holding a pair of queens.
Pocket Jacks
- “Fishhooks” or “Hooks” – this nickname has an interesting and at the same time simple origin. It is connected with the fact that the letter “J” visually resembles a (fish) hook.
Pocket Tens
- “Dynamite” – because when you say “T and T” it sounds like “TNT”, which is the symbol for dynamite.
- “Train Tracks” – a case of alliteration (two T’s). This nickname may well also be a reference to the Old West railroad.
Nicknames for A-X Poker Hands
- “Big Slick” – this nickname refers to the combination of your face down cards in Texas Holdem.
- “Space Cowboy” – a cool combination of “Ace from Space” and “Cowboy”.
- “King Arthur” – some kind of play on the cards’ initials referring to the legendary king.
- “Anthony and Cleopatra” – a reference to the famous tragedy by William Shakespeare (Anthony is the ace, and Cleopatra is of course the queen).
- “Rocket Queen” – as we said above the letter “A” reminds online poker combinations players of a rocket so they just put “Rocket” and “Queen” together and that’s it. It is also a reference to the popular Guns N’ Roses song.
- “Hijack” – a hand with this name includes the high card (ace) and jack (high + jack).
- “Blackjack” – as you already understood, a reference to blackjack, one of the most popular casino games.
Nicknames for K-X Poker Hands
- “Marriage” – this nickname refers to the cards of the queen and king, who are married.
- “Divorce” is the same as the previous hand, except that this nickname will only be used by players if the hand is a losing one.
- “Throne” – The king and queen sit together on a throne.
- “Joking” or “Just Kidding” – “jk” is commonly used as an abbreviation for “joking” or “just kidding” and players quickly noticed that it’s also a backronym for the King plus Jack hand.
Nicknames for Q-X Poker Hands
- “Quack” – this nickname is a simple fusion of the words “queen” and “jack”.
- “Hawaii” – very famous nickname among professional poker players. Players say that if you don’t play this hand for a year, you’ll save enough to travel to the islands.
- “Cutie” – If you say “Q” and “T” together, you will hear something similar to “Cutie” – this is how this sweet nickname appeared.
- “Q-Tip” – in the same spirit as “Cute”, but a little different.
Nicknames for J-X Poker Hands
- “Greek Passport” – there are stories about a poker player from Greece. He won his game with Jack-Ten and bought a residence permit in Australia.
- “T.J. Cloutier“ – a professional poker player whose name is legendary in poker circles. He is said to have flopped 3 straight flushes in a year.
And how many of the above poker hand nicknames did you know before reading this blog post? Let us know in the comments!